Immortalizing Creativity at the
Jacob Lawrence Gallery

Autumn 2022

︎ Environmental Graphics
︎ Navigational Signage

Kristine Matthews, Katie Heckart

In 2023, an entirely new and expanded Jacob Lawrence Gallery (”the Jake”) opened as part of a significant renovation of the UW School of Art+Art History+Design building. In addition to the installation of monolith navigational signage, an opportunity arose to incorporate graphics into the exterior facade of the gallery windows, increasing the visibility of the the Jake to the wider campus. The final window graphics combine treated photographs of Jacob Lawrence’s personal tools with that of tools currently found in workshops and classrooms in the building. These objects appear at larger-than life scale, demanding the attention of passerby and immortalizing Jacob Lawrence’s legacy. The tool visuals act as a sort of equalizer; former, current, and future students and faculty are brought together by the universal tools through which they create.